Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset Workshop

Ms Geetanjali conducted her latest workshop for our KS3 students on growth mindset recently. Study’s suggest that students with a growth mindset have been shown to learn, grow, and achieve more over time. They appeared to enjoy the workshop and...
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FOBISIA Battle of the Bands

FOBISIA Battle of the Bands

Well done to our student band “Jayyum”. They received a silver award for the FOBISIA online battle of bands. There were 35 bands who took part from 21 Member Schools. A great effort by our students!
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AIMS Badminton

Secondary AIMS Badminton

Our Secondary students were battling it out in the AIMS badminton recently. The U13 team came 2nd overall and U15’s achieved 3rd place. Special mention to Shamindra & Adyyan won gold in the U13 double, plus Cyanne who won U13...
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Scholars Cup

World Scholar’s Cup

Congratulations to Lynette, Arihant and Alyvia who participated in the Regional round of the World Scholar’s Cup in Penang earlier this week hosted by Prince of Wales Island International School. We are pleased to inform you that they won numerous...
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Y11 Camp

Year 11 Camp

Last weekend our Year 11 students ventured into the unknown. For the first time ever they camped in school overnight! There were games, movies, campfires, music & lots of food. It looks like everyone had a great time!
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Education Fair

Education Fair 2023

Great to see our annual Education Fair happening again in school yesterday! Lots of local and International Colleges & Universities were in attendance. Hopefully our students & parents in attendance have many ideas for the future🙂 Also thanks to all...
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Aishah Sinclair

Aishah Sinclair Mix FM visits EY

This week we had a very special guest in school, Aishah Sinclair from Mix FM! She came to visit our Early Years students. They have been learning about different jobs this term. Aishah talked to them about her work as...
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Van Gogh

Van Gogh Y2-3 Fieldtrip

Last week our Year 2 & 3 students went on an inspirational adventure to the Van Gogh exhibition. Hopefully they are now full of creative ideas for their own art now!
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BSO Trinity Visit

Our British Scouting Overseas (BSO) students recently visited an orphanage. This was a part of their YOU-Shape Award, which gives an opportunity to Scouts to plan a project all on their own. Our Scouts carried out fundraisers and successfully raised...
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