
Former student competes in the Olympics’

Fantastic achievement by our former student Aniqah Gaffoor. She represented Sri Lanka in the Women’s 100m butterfly event at the Olympic Games in Tokyo on Saturday. Here she is in action. We are sure we will be seeing more of...
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Y5 Understanding The Human Body

Our Year 5 students were learning all about the human body last term. To illustrate what they learnt they created these fantastic models, one even made out of cake!
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Y6 characters

Y6 Storybook Characters

Our Year 6 students had some very creative and interesting outfits for their Storybook Characters in lessons at the end of term. Good job everyone!
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ejASS online camp

eJASS Online Camp

Recently we held an online virtual camp for our eJASS students. For this e-Adventurous Journey they took part in a variety of activities and even made their sandwiches. Well done to everyone who took part!
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elc student success

Student Musical Success

Congratulations to elc student Anitej Palur! He has been awarded the Choo Han Peng Music Scholarship 2021 from the Bentley Music Academy in Kuala Lumpur. He will pursue his Licentiate Royal Schools of Music (LRSM) in Music Performance (Piano).
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Y11 Cooks

Coping Strategies

This week in Ms Geet’s Coping Strategies lesson for the Post IGCSE Programme, Year 11 students discussed a number of essential skills and decided to try their hands at becoming chefs for a day. This idea was taken with a...
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elc PE Holiday Run

Summer Virtual Run Challenge

Are you ready for our PE departments latest online challenge to keep fit? For full details and how to sign up click here.
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elc Y11 messages

Year 11 Messages

Congratulations, to our Year 11 students who have now completed their elc journey. Their teachers wanted to share these messages with them. Best of luck for future!
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Virtual Run 2.0 Complete

Well done to everyone in the elc community who took part in our latest Virtual Run Challenge 2.0!
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