elc Malaysia Day

Secondary Malaysia Day

Last week, our Secondary students took part in a variety of fun activities to celebrate Malaysia Day. Here are some highlights.
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Y4 Skeletons

Y4 Skeletons

Our Year 4’s have been learning about human skeletons in online lessons recently. They each created a human skeleton using materials that can be found at their home. Students have learned to identify the main bones that make a human...
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elc Interact Not alone

You Are Not Alone

The Interact Club has taken part in spreading the message ‘You Are Not Alone’. This poster advocates the importance of mental well-being and mental health cases affecting the people surrounding us through the Rotary Club’s campaign. Please support the campaign!...
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elc IGCSE Subjects

IGCSE 2021 Subject Performance

On behalf of all your teachers, the school would like to congratulate the 2021 IGCSE students on their marvellous performance. Another fantastic year of results!
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elc Maths Week

Math’s Week 2021

Last term we held Math’s Week. There were a variety of online activities to challenge our students, here are some highlights.
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elc Lawyer of the year

Lawyer of the Year

Congratulations to our former student Cassandra for this excellent achievement!
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Y9 Aspire

Y9 Student Magazines

Last term, as part of their studies for English our Year 9 students compiled these excellent editions of Aspire magazine.
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elc Fine Arts showcase

Fine Arts Showcase Video

This fantastic video was produced by our students and the school’s Fine Arts department. It showcases highlights from school-based drama performances over the last few years. The dance and art clips are from our recent term during lockdown, as were...
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