Mother’s Day Celebration

The Primary Division buzzed with excitement on 17th of May 2024, as they hosted a heartwarming Mother’s Day celebration! Filled with sweet melodies and heartfelt moments, the event brought smiles to the faces of all the moms in attendance.

The atmosphere was filled with joy as children took centre stage, showcasing their musical talents through delightful songs and poems dedicated to their moms. The smiles on the mothers’ faces were truly priceless as they witnessed their little ones shine.

The celebration didn’t end there. Each mom was presented with a beautiful single flower, a symbol of their unique bond with their child. Additionally, the students proudly offered handmade paper garlands, a testament to the time and love poured into their creation.

This Mother’s Day celebration was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impression on both the students and the moms. It was a day filled with music, laughter, and most importantly, love.

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