
News SB Campus
Head Prefects 2023
Congratulations, to our newly elected Head Prefects Ju-lia & Yi Xuan, plus Deputy Head Prefect Aryan. We are sure they will do themselves and the school proud.
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Fine Arts Recital
Students from Upper Primary & Secondary entertained parents & staff by performing a variety of musical piece’s in school. Alongside this, a selection of wonderful artwork was on display in school.
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Mini FOBISIA 2023
We are delighted that our Primary students will be taking part in this forthcoming Mini FOBISIA Games sporting competition hosted by KTJ International School. Best of luck to all our students who will be involved!
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PA Meeting
This week our new Parents Association (PA) committee held their first meeting. Lots of exciting plans afoot for the coming year. Keep your eye’s peeled for their next event!
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Today we held a special Lunar New Year themed assembly for our Lower Primary students. Here are some highlights.
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PA AGm video
Our Parents Association(PA) this month held their AGM. It’s been a busy year for the PA with lots of fun events being held for the elc community. This presentation showcases everything that took place. They are all raring to go for the new year with plenty exciting events & activities in the pipeline!
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Lion Dance 2023
We were delighted to resume our tradition of ushering in the Lunar New Year with a lively lion dance in school today!
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Primary Prefects
Our latest batch of Primary Prefects received their badges today. We are sure they will do themselves and the school proud!
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Well done to our latest batch of students who recently completed their Bronze eJASS awards. Great job everyone! For more information on the program click here.
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Our Parent’s Association(PA) are a vital part of the elc community. They had a busy year organising lots of excellent events. Last week’s AGM celebrated this and gave a chance for new members to join. Best of luck to this year’s PA committee!
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