The Year 4 and 5 students embarked on a captivating journey into the world of Chinese calligraphy. They eagerly immersed themselves in its practical aspects, learning fundamental techniques such as brush handling, ink control, and graceful stroke formation. Starting with basic characters, they gradually honed their skills and deepened their understanding of this intricate art...Continue Reading
During the recent Dragon Boat Festival, a group of Year 9 students attempted to balance eggs on a flat surface. It was believed that accomplishing this would bring good luck, prosperity, and ward off evil spirits. Continue Reading
Fierce competition and incredible teamwork marked an epic Secondary Sports Day. All Houses showcased their exceptional skills, but the Blue House emerged victorious. Well done, Blue Sharks!Continue Reading
Celebrating the Year 11 graduates and their unforgettable graduation ceremony at our school! Relive the magical moments of that extraordinary evening through this heartwarming video. Congratulations, Class of 2023!Continue Reading
It’s been an incredible journey watching these Year 11 students grow and evolve into the remarkable individuals they are today. This video is a celebration of the countless memories we’ve shared together, with some of these amazing students being part of our school since 2012! As they embark on their next chapter, we couldn’t be...Continue Reading
Last week marked a momentous occasion for SJAM students as they joyfully received their long-awaited SJAM certificates, officially certifying them as Cadets within the organization. This significant event not only acknowledged their commitment and accomplishments but also paved the way for exciting opportunities and continued growth in their Cadet journey, symbolizing the beginning of a...Continue Reading