On March 26th, the Year 11s hosted a Thanksgiving Party for their IGCSE teachers at the concourse/ canteen area from 2.30 to 3.30 p.m. Preparations for the event, however, began two weeks earlier with students making special plans to make the party memorable for their teachers. Food, entertainment, souvenirs, speeches and decorations were discussed and...Continue Reading
As Year 11 prepare for their upcoming IGCSE Geography exam, they were busy with some kinesthetic revision activities. Kinesthetic learning encourages students to carry out physical activities and is proven to lead to increased information retention and student engagement. Here, the students are using modeling clay to show how meanders, oxbow lakes and waterfalls are...Continue Reading
We are very impressed with how our students adjusted to online learning and continued to thrive despite the challenging circumstances. Here we asked them to share some of their experiences.Continue Reading
Our Year 10 Students had their PSHE reflection period on their performance during the Mid-Year Exams. They were asked to create a one-page journal. The title of the time of reflection was “STOP-START-CONTINUE.” They’re going to need to answer the questions: What do you need to stop doing? What do you need to start doing...Continue Reading
Here are 1R’s winning posters and presentations on Sharks. Sitartan (1st place) Kritika (2nd place) Lakshana (3rd place) Click on the link here to view their presentations.Continue Reading
These are the posters that were created and designed by the Year 1G students. They were learning about the characteristics and behaviour of sharks. The teachers were amazed by their presentation skills and the creativity to design the poster. In addition, they also included some fun facts about sharks. Winners for 1G: Aantarya (1st place)...Continue Reading
Children caring for the environment is a learning experience that is an important part of growing up. It gives them skills in respect, empathy, patience, responsibility, and teaches them about consequences. They’ll have a greater appreciation for the way things work, and a better understanding of our precious ecosystem. Our Year 2 students are showing...Continue Reading
Year 3 students have been recently learning about legends in English lessons. Maya, Aiden, and Lobsang continue the story of Robin Hood after he has escaped from an archery contestContinue Reading