The three core values of elc International School are embedded in its name — ‘excellence in everything we do’, ‘loyalty to each other and the school’ and ‘commitment to continuous improvement’. These values are enhanced by the school motto ‘Learn to Aspire’ and students are encouraged to aspire to succeed in reaching their personal, social and academic potential. A tradition-based ethos, an environment conducive to learning and character building as well as preparation for the responsibilities, opportunities and challenges of adulthood are essential elements in the school’s approach. Moreover, the school also encourages positive parental involvement as this provides the students with a sense of security, which is the foundation for good learning.
While the school follows the English National curriculum, subjects and teaching methods have evolved in keeping with the best practices in Britain and Malaysia. The school’s ethos is steeped in what we consider to be the best of both British and Asian values and we actively encourage self-discipline, integrity and the pursuit of excellence among the teachers and the students.
Hard work, commitment and perseverance are reinforced, and a firm system of nurturing students is provided. Courtesy, concern for others and care for the environment are all also actively encouraged while a firm stand is taken against negative social behaviour. These values are important to us and are a part of the foundation of the success on which we have painstakingly built.